Throughout the month of February, Loutit District Library once again encourages everyone to move beyond Random Acts of Kindness Day on February 17 or even Random Acts of Kindness Week (February 12-18) to celebrate an entire month of kindness and community connection!

- Talk to a lonely neighbor.
- Share your favorite book with someone.
- Praise a local business online.
- Donate used towels or blankets to a shelter or rescue.
- Let a senior go ahead of you in line.
- Leave a surprise note on a separate piece of paper in a library book.
- Donate to a food pantry.
- Share an uplifting song

One of the books you choose to sponsor will replace dated, worn, or even a lost/damaged book from another patron. Pick a book ornament from one of the lit trees and bring it to the Circulation or Information Desk and staff will be happy to assist you!
Thank you for your kindness!